What Is Inspirational Soul? Why I Created A New Genre…
Inspirational Soul is organic. This music is built on the premise of vocal, instrumental, and lyrical freedom undergirded by spiritual truth. Essentially it means I walk in freedom to approach the music I receive, and I believe it comes through me from God as part of his promise in Romans 8:38 to us that nothing can separate us from his love. That’s love when God uses a tool such as music to speak to the hearts of “searching” people.
I created the Inspirational Soul genre because I felt led to remove potential barriers to access. Although Inspirational Soul can be categorized as a sub-genre of Contemporary Christian/Gospel music, I recognize that listeners often approach faith-based music with preconceived notions about its sound and stylistic approach (among other parameters). Although I admire and respect our gospel music pioneers, I do not want to be relegated to the paradigm of a particular “gospel music sound.” I grew up listening to many genres of music and because of that I am an amalgamation of everything I have ever heard. I believe this level of creative freedom is paramount to my music personality as both a creator and consumer of music. Not to mention, one of the Lord’s requirements is that we come to Him in truth and worship Him in truth. This is my truth and I believe in my heart He’s okay with my sound because He created me. So if He’s okay with it, I believe the faith community can embrace this music under the provision of Colossians 3:16, “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” (New Living Translation)